For Manchester (Love)

So, on the evening of Monday 22 May a bomb was detonated at the Manchester Arena, timed to coincide with the end of an Ariana Grande concert. A pop concert attended by kids.

For the record, anyone that commits a deliberate act that results in the death of 8 year olds, in children having nails pulled out of their faces, in parents burying their children, of children losing their siblings or their parents, in schools mourning… They are beneath contempt. Whatever your political or religious views, whatever their political or religious views, they will not be rewarded in any next life that may or may not exist, they are not martyrs, they are not warriors, they are not nothing.
Give them no attention, pay them no heed, for they do not deserve it. Do not remember their names, they do not deserve fame nor infamy.

Remember the victims, and celebrate their lives. Live your life the best you can in their honour… And love. Always love. Sometimes it hurts, sometimes it feels like it will destroy you, but love none the less.